Guiding women in leadership to confident decision-making and thriving leadership.



Elevate your professional development with practical tips, expert insights, and tailored resources. Dee is ready to support teachers, coaches, and leaders in your schools and systems. Let's create a culture of growth together!



Dee understands the weight of leadership on you and your family.. Discover a transformative leadership experience rooted in Christian principles. Drawing inspiration from Hebrews 10:24, you'll find the power in fostering authentic connections and spurring one another on to love and good deeds. Whether you're seeking professional development, equestrian leadership events, or personalized coaching, these programs are tailored for leaders like you, searching for balance, purpose, and fulfillment in your roles. Join this community in creating meaningful connections and unlocking your leadership potential. Reach out for more information and take the first step towards impactful leadership today.


If you're looking for an experienced artist who leads worship and speaks into the lives of women, consider inviting her to your next event.